Thursday 28 November 2013

10 Common Salary Negotiation Mistakes

Mistake 1: Lack of Preparation For The Interview
Job interview is a huge stress for the candidate and no one is safe from extra excitement. As a result, there are not too sure answers to the employer’s questions, and the job seeker is so distracted that he/she can not concentrate and submit with good arguments when discussing the level of wages.
It is important for many managers to prove that you are a valuable employee who will not only become the part of a team, but will ensure the success and profit for the organization. So get ready and think of the answers to the questions: "What   salary are you looking for?" and "Why should we hire you?".
Mistake 2: Low Assessment of Professional Competence
We advise you to look for the information about the average income of the employee of other companies and cities. Perhaps this will help to find out your real cost in the labour market and apply for a higher salary. The heads appreciate employees who are confident in their own abilities and know their own worth.

Before starting the interview, think through and write those reasons why you deserve good wages. Maybe this will be your personal and professional qualities, good work experience and achievements in the previous posts.
Mistake 3: Inappropriate Appearance
Isn’t it a ridiculous situation when a person who claims to a leadership post, comes for the job interview in a crumpled clothes and with greasy hair? 
Appearance and manner of behaviour not only create the first impression, but also determine the amount of the future salary. Moreover, sometimes it is one of the key factors in choosing the right employee from the list of candidates. Try always to look well as such a small drawback may spoil your reputation and become a barrier to the rightful place in the company.

Mistake 4: Wrong Choice of The Moment For Discussion
Offer your suggestions about the salary only when the time comes to discuss the financial side of the conversation. Typically, this occurs at the end of the interview, but it all depends on the employer. Wait for the moment when you are offered the amount of wages, and only then decide whether to accept or to conduct further negotiations. Remember, that questions which asked at the wrong time may unpleasantly surprise the employer.
Mistake 5: Low Amount of Wages
Many job seekers make the typical mistake when offering minimal or very low amount of salary for which they are willing to work. The hopes that the employer will offer higher wages are very little. The logic is simple – there is no need to pay more if there is a possibility to save money and at the same time to demand the full performance of the duties from the employee. So always designate an adequate level of the desired income that meets your professional skills not to regret in the future.
Mistake 6: Lack of Self-Presentation
Self-presentation is a great way to demonstrate your skills, the ability to show that you are a good specialist and an employee. However, a great number of candidates does not know how to market themselves and even just afraid to talk about their previous successes. But how can you impress your employer if he/she does not have the opportunity to get know about your achievements? Your qualities are not appreciated and, respectively, there are no chances to obtain the highest possible salary.

Mistake 7: Threats And Pressure on The Employer
It is extremely dangerous variant to demand a high salary only just because you have financial problems. Employers are not required to assist in the solution of the worker’s personal problems. In fact, it is not desirable for the company management to know all the employee’s difficulties. The extra ultimatums may have a negative impact on your career, and in most cases, the employer refuses from further cooperation with such a specialist.
Mistake 8: Providing of False Information
It often happens that candidates deliberately indicate not only incorrect personal data and achievements, but also overestimate the amount of income they received in a previous job. But many employers have a habit to check the information about the new employee. Even if deception is not revealed during the job interview, this may happen after the beginning of work. That is why these schemes are fraught with spoiled professional reputation and job loss.

Mistake 9Aggressive Behaviour
In order to achieve success in the financial issues, it is advisable to come for an interview with a positive frame of mind. This will help you and your future head to concentrate and find a common language. Right mood will ease a rather difficult conversation and will show your respect to the employer. Try to defend your own opinion, but answer questions calmly and confidently.
Mistake 10: Lack of Information In Getting Salary
After the employer makes a salary offer, do not afraid to ask what parts it consists of. The amount can vary greatly depending on the company. For example, in some organizations the level of wages is fixed, while in others it depends on the monthly salary and bonuses. Discuss in detail the issue before signing the employment contract not to have some complaints and conflicts with the employer.

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